Sunday, 22 November 2009

Hawkins Bazaar

Matthew Hawkins

These illustrations are just marvellous! The Christmas card woodcuts are very cute indeed. Matthew Hawkins embraces hand-drawn imperfections and textures of differing mediums, creating artwork that resembles adventure and mystery.

what a feast!

National Geographic

Aren't the colours of the ocean just utterly phenomenal?! I love nothing more than to swim amongst the tranquility of the big blue. However, Jellyfish have to be my biggest fear! Take a look at these images taken by Omri Bronstein... Here, a predator coral (termed 'Mushroom Coral') devours a jellyfish! Well, nothing really is impossible. If only the ocean was made up of a blanket of these creatures!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

I would love to journey on that ship

Matt Lyon
Top: Game Over
Middle: Sweetroot
Bottom: The Magic Ship of Freyr

Here's just a small selection of my ultimate favourites from Matt Lyon's collection. If I looked at these everyday, I'm sure that it would fill my day with inspiration. The Magic Ship of Freyr is beautiful: I long for a world so colourful and bold as this...

Friday, 20 November 2009

Good winter

Bon Iver- 4AD
Top: For Emma, 2008
Middle: For Emma, Forever ago, 2008
Bottom: Blood Bank, 2009

I forgot just how magical Bon Iver's music is, until I started listening to it again this morning. I adore the album cover photography too, which encapsulate Justin Vernon's winter hibernation in Northwestern Wisconsin, following the break up of his band.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Black and white secrets

Jason Langer- Secret City, Michael Hoppen Gallery

These photographs by Jason Langer are mysterious and exceptionally wonderful. His impeccable layouts create stark lighting contrasts that intensify the powerfulness of black and white photography. I was lucky enough to visit the beauty of Paris in August, and viewing 'Moonlight over Montmartre' takes me back to that sublime city- Paris was another world, and Langer manages to encapsulate the feelings that I felt when I was there in this stunning and sensitive composition.

Just in time for winter

Brighton- Phone Camera

I travelled to Brighton on Friday to visit my best friend who's just moved down there. She took me shopping around the wonderful lanes and we spotted this- Banksy?? Probably not... but it is rather delightful and mysterious!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Epic Scenery

District 9 Film Poster

I watched District 9 last week and thought the scenery within it was absolutely fantastic. Although I found the film a little disturbing in parts, I would definitely recommend it purely for the dramatic scenery!

Coca-Cola throughout the years

The history of the coca-cola bottle... Image courtesy of Stumble Upon

Left to Right- 1899, 1900, 1915, 1916, 1957, 1986.
This just shows how far a brand develops and changes over a period of time. Gosh, 110 years has gone by and still, Coca-Cola is dominating the world!

A floating tap?!

Tap Fountain, Santa Galdana- Menorca

My first thought- 'How on earth is this standing up'! Well, of course I was subsequently enlightened by a friend of the pole, situated in the middle of the gushing water. This may have seemed obvious to you, but I'm sure that in a few years they will be able to create sculptures like this that do defy the laws of gravity. Watch this space...

Bizarre Buildings

Top: Dancing Building, Prague
Middle: ING Headquarters, Amsterdam

These caught my eye today. I have a keen interest in architecture, and in particular buildings that resemble space-like forms. The ING Headquarters immediately reminded me of Archigram's work. The Dancing Building is just superb. I do hope what ever goes on inside this building resembles its energetic and twist-like exterior.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

I'm still an animal...

Luishock- We are Animals
Behance Network

"I change shapes just to hide in this place but I'm still, I'm still an animal"- (Animal, Miike Snow)
Luishock has created these stimulating, energetic and detailed illustrations where various animals have been incorporated into human form. I love the stained background, and the ink splatters that bring these illustrations alive.

Nonsensical, but beautiful

Chad Hagen- Nonsensical Infographics

We have absolutely no idea what the information being presented is, but visually these look incredible. Layers of colour, shape and exquisite layout attract.

Remember remember...

Barry Island- November 5th, 2009. Phone Camera

You can't beat a firework display at the seaside. It was bitterly cold, but the stars were out and the fireworks did not disappoint! The accompanying music was extremely eclectic, however!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Dancing Sea Dragons

Images courtesy of Life- BBC iPlayer

This was by far, the most beautiful part of Monday nights' episode: dancing sea dragons in springtime courtship. The cinematography is first class, and what is captured within the sequence is stunning: these delightful, quirky creatures surrounded by the hazy blue water and vivid colours of the coral. The top image reminds me of hopping kangaroos!

Magnificent Montage!

James Dawe: Rojo Magazine, Illustrated Ape

James Dawe creates visually rich and elaborate imagery. His collage and layering techniques incorporate textural, photographic, diagrammatic and schematic forms of communication: the result is these monumental illustrations!

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Sometimes the sky is just incredible...

Phone Camera, 16:00

I took this photograph on my phone today as I walked home... The sky looked absolutely epic, and I just had to share it with you all!

Sunday, 1 November 2009

What a find!

Meat Magazine- Issue 8

I recently went into Borders to purchase my monthly edition of Creative Review, when I spotted this beautiful, understated magazine. Meat Magazine is filled with gorgeous black and white illustrations: each article is introduced with a bold header in Impact TT. This magazine is stripped bare: it embraces do it yourself, 'bedroom publishing' techniques. I absolutely love the 'Contributors' page. The illustrator David Sparshott has captured the personality of each of the individuals- we see through the eyes of David. When I first saw this page, I was instantly reminded of my primary school: when the whole year would each draw an illustration of themselves and these would be positioned together on a tea towel! The results would be charming, unique and cherished forever!